Pasadena Area Housing and Homeless Resources, Including Faith-Based Resources
Homeless Resources
​Foothill Unity Center
Phone: Pasadena – 626-584-7420 Monrovia – 626-358-3486
About: The Foothill Unity Center assists clients in three key ways: food, case management/crisis help, and access to health care resources. All services are free. To be eligible, clients must only live within the Center’s eleven-city service area and have an income at or below 150% of the national poverty level. Free showers are offered Wednesdays from 12:30pm-4pm. For Safe Parking, contact
The Women’s Room at Friends In Deed
Phone: (626) 797-2402
Email: Contact Marlene Martinez at or
About: The Women’s Room is a daytime refuge for women who are alone and homeless or at risk. The Women’s Room offers showers and laundry facilities, a quiet place to nap, two computers and a telephone and other resources and activities. Currently the Women’s Room is open Monday, Wednesday and Thursday: 1 p.m. to 4 p.m., Tuesday: 9 a.m. to 12 p.m., and Friday: 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. (For showers & laundry only. No upstairs services). Volunteers are welcome.
The Pasadena Public Health Department
Contact Name: Angelica Palmeros, MSW (Division Manager)
Contact Phone: (626) 744-6158
Contact Email:
About: The Pasadena Public Health Department has, or is in the process of developing, the following programs for those experiencing homelessness in Pasadena:
Library Care Navigator Project
Open to all individuals experiencing homelessness, health issues, mental health and substance abuse. Visit a Pasadena Public Library and get assigned a case-worker to assist you with your needs. -
HRSA Operation Link (Health Resources and Services Administration)
Are you living with HIV? Operation Link can help you with housing, employment, and medical care opportunities. For more information, please contact Precious Jackson (626) 243-8575 or email at: Visit website at: -
Project Wraparound Services
Located at the Jackie Robinson Center, this program will focus on transition age youth (TAY ages 18-24). Services will include case management (medical, dental, mental health, substance abuse referrals), housing referrals, and outreach events. For more information, contact Te Jay McGrath at (626) 744-6325 or email at Visit website at: -
Healthy Aging and Wellness Services
Located at the Jackie Robinson Center and Heritage Clinic, this program is designed to outreach, engage and house homeless older adults (55+). Staffing includes social workers, mental health clinician, housing case manager and registered nurse.
-Jackie Robinson Center (626) 744-7300
-Heritage Clinic (626) 577-8480 -
Core Programs
Hillsides provides services for at-risk children and their families such as: Residential Treatment Services, Education Center, Family Resource Center, and Youth Moving On (mental health).For more info, visit:
Union Station
Phone: (626) 240-4550
About: The 56-bed, non-emergency Adult Center provides single homeless men and women with safe, substance-free shelter, meals and supportive services. The Adult Center is also home to our Community Meals and Shower programs. Intake is done in-person Mon-Fri 7:30am to 1:30pm. Limited to 2 intakes daily, and is based on the 1st come 1st serve method. Services also provided include:
Separate Dorms for Men and Women
Case Management and Referrals
Medical and Mental Health Services
Substance Abuse Recovery Support
Employment Search Assistance
Benefits Advocacy
Classes (money management, self-esteem & life skills, housing resources).​
Elizabeth House
Phone: (626) 577-4434
About: Their mission is to empower pregnant and parenting women to reclaim their lives and build successful family legacies. They take a trauma-informed approach that addresses physical, emotional, spiritual, and economic needs in both women and their children. All clients must be pregnant women, ages 18 and older that may or may not have children.
Haven House
Phone: 24hr crisis Line (323) 681-2626
Website: n/a
Email: n/a
About: Haven House is dedicated to helping abused women and their children on their way toward a life free of violence. A trained bilingual staff operates a confidential 24 hour hotline to provide crisis intervention, information, and referrals. Counselors are available 365 days a year. Operated in a confidential location of Los Angeles County, their residential program is a 30 day emergency shelter. Residents receive food, clothing and medical assistance to address their physical needs. Additionally, individual and group counseling, crisis intervention, domestic violence education, legal and social services advocacy are provided to address their emotional needs.
Family Promise (San Gabriel Valley)
Phone: (626) 569-0991
Email: n/a
About: Their mission is to help families challenged with homelessness and low income achieve sustainable independence through a community-based approach.
Door of Hope
Phone: (626) 304-9130
About: Door of Hope is a non-profit, faith-based organization whose mission is to equip homeless families to rebuild their lives. They have been providing transitional housing and a restoration program especially designed for homeless families with children. Door of Hope is one of the few places that will accept the three main family types of all sizes: Single mothers (including victims of domestic violence) with children, single fathers with children, married couples with children. There are two program sites, one in Glendale and one in Pasadena.
The Shower of Hope
Phone: n/a
Address: All Saints Episcopal Church, 132 N. Euclid Ave., Pasadena, CA 91101; Knox Presbyterian Church, 225 South Hill Ave., Pasadena, CA 91106
About: Shower of Hope offers free showers and hygiene products every Monday from 9am-1pm at All Saints Episcopal Church and every Wednesday from 9am-1pm at Knox Presbyterian Church.
Family Solutions Center
Phone: 211
Email: submit contact form on website.
About: By calling 211, the Family Solutions Center is a point of entry for those who are currently homeless or at risk of being homeless. The FSC staff conducts an initial assessment to determine the most appropriate housing intervention for the family. Families are then connected to services and housing options within their own community. Services provided include:
Standardized Assessment & Interventions
Rapid Re-housing and Prevention
Coordinated Supportive Service and Housing Plan
Connection to Crisis Housing
Connection to Community-Based Supportive Services
Housing Search and Placement
Financial Assistance for Rapid Re-Housing
Temporary Bad Weather Shelter
Phone: Call the Hotline (888) 915-8111 to find out if the shelter is open. For all other questions, call (626) 797-2402
About: The Pasadena Bad Weather Shelter is a Friends In Deed program that provides shelter for homeless individuals and families during the winter season (forecast of 40 degrees or below, at least 40% chance of rain, and/or anticipated winds of 40 mph or higher). The Bad Weather Shelter generally runs from the beginning of December through the beginning of March. APU nursing students will be present to provide basic medical check-ups and referrals. The Bad Weather Shelter is located in:
Gymnasium of the Pasadena Covenant Church
539 N. Lake Ave.
Pasadena, CA 91101 -
Next Door to Fire Station Department #33
515 N. Lake Ave.
Pasadena, CA 91101
Youth Moving On –Hillsides
Phone: (626) 765 - 6010
About: YMO provides housing and many services to youth, especially emancipated foster youth, with a continuum of support services to empower them to find lasting independence and a lifetime of personal fulfillment.
456 East Orange Grove Blvd. Suite #140
Pasadena, CA 91104
Senior Programs for Emergency Housing
About: According to the 2019 report “The Emerging Crisis of Aged Homelessness”, seniors are the fastest-growing homeless demographic, and it is expected to worsen. This data makes it essential to find ways to aid those at risk of homelessness. Without substantial action now, the senior homelessness crisis will only worsen in the years to come.
This guide helps seniors and their families learn how they can access emergency housing, financial assistance, and rapid rehousing support:
Another resource is this emergency housing guide for seniors

Resources for Renters
Friends In Deed Homeless Prevention Program: Resources for Renters
Phone: (626) 797 - 2402
About: This program provides some limited rental assistance to residents of Pasadena who are at risk of becoming homeless. Call to make an appointment.
Lake Avenue Church
Phone: (626) 844 - 4700
About: LAC provides crisis intervention and preventative assistance and support for those who are at-risk of eviction or are currently homeless. Our task is to “bridge the gap” for persons who are in a short-term crisis. LAC also works closely with the comprehensive range of resources available in the local community by providing prayer, guidance, mentoring, accountability, and advocacy.
City of Pasadena Rental Assistance Program (Section 8)
Phone: (626) 744 - 8300
Email: Candy Rodarte -
About: The City of Pasadena Housing Department (CoPHD) administers the Section 8 Rental Assistance Program, a federally-funded program which assists very low income households obtain affordable, decent, safe, and sanitary housing. The assistance is in the form of a rental certificate or voucher which is issued to an eligible household.
Pasadena Housing Search
Phone: (877) 428 - 8844
About: Pasadena Housing Search is a free resource where people can list and search for rental properties in Pasadena and the rest of Los Angeles County. Other resources include: locating a room, apartment or home to rent or advertise.
Tenants Rights Advocates and First Step Resources
Pasadena Tenants Union (PTU)
Phone: (626) 214 - 8989
About: Pasadena Tenants Union advocates for renter rights and tenant protections from displacement caused by gentrification in Pasadena. ​​ PTU believes housing is a human right and renters have an inalienable right to safe, decent, stable and affordable housing. PTU organizes tenant speakouts at city council, coverage by local media, and direction to additional support for tenants in crisis. Join the monthly meetings and help advocate for yourself as a renter in Pasadena.
Monthly Meetings: Second and fourth Thursday of each month at 7pm
Located at Pasadena Job Center (500 N. Lake Ave.)
Glendale Tenants Union (GTU)
Phone: (818) 630 - 9795
About: Local tenant advocacy group for tenants in Glendale. GTU’s focus is on building a better livelihood for renters, which make up 60% of Glendale residents. Open to all, join GTU, and become an active member
Monthly Meetings: 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of each month from 7-9pm. Meetings are held via Zoom. RSVP using the email to get the Zoom link.
Los Angeles Tenants Union (LATU)
Phone: (213) 986 - 8266
About: The LA Tenants Union is a diverse, tenant-led movement fighting for the human right to housing for all. We demand safe, affordable housing and universal rent control. We organize against landlord harassment, mass evictions, and displacement. Our mission is to strengthen tenants’ political power through education, advocacy, and direct action.
Monthly Meetings:
Self-Help Resource Center at Pasadena Courthouse
Phone: (626) 396 - 3300
Email: n/a
About: This is a legal self-help center inside the courthouse in Pasadena (3rd floor). The Self-Help Resource Center is where you can find the necessary documents you need to respond to an eviction/unlawful detainer case. The forms include one where you must explain what happened, and one where you explain you don’t have a lot of money to pay the necessary filing fees for the response. The workers in the self-help resource center ARE NOT LAWYERS. They help in preparing the paperwork you need to file with the court. They do not help you with your case. When you finish preparing your response paperwork, a resource center worker has an attorney check it to make sure it is correct to file with the court—this attorney cannot help you with your case. They are just checking that you can submit it with the court.
Location: Self-Help Resource Center (Room 300, 3rd floor)
300 E. Walnut St.
Pasadena, CA 91101
Hours: Monday-Thursday 8am – 4pm & Fridays 8am – 12pm
Housing Rights Center
Phone: (800) 477 - 5977
About: The Housing Rights Center provides services including landlord-tenant counseling, housing discrimination investigation, advocacy, outreach, and education. This center conducts the Pasadena Housing Mediation program and oversees the Tenant Protection Ordinance. The HRC will not represent tenants, this is not a legal service but a place to get information. HRC does offer walk-in clinics around the LA area, check the website for dates and locations.
Pasadena office: (626) 791 - 0211
Jackie Robinson Center, 1020 N. Fair Oaks Ave, Pasadena, CA 91103
Los Angeles Office: (800) 477 - 5977
3255 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 1150, Los Angeles, CA 90010
Christian Legal Aid of Los Angeles
Phone: (323) 319 - 3559
Email: n/a
About: At Christian Legal Aid of Los Angeles, our mission is to share the love of Jesus Christ by cultivating a passion for justice in our community and providing free legal services and hope to those in need in Los Angeles County. We hold free clinics at various churches and nonprofits across Los Angeles staffed by volunteer attorneys, law students, paralegals, and individuals of diverse backgrounds with a passion for justice.
*Note: There are various locations
Inglewood Office:
333 West Florence Ave.
Inglewood, CA 90301
Inquilinos Unidos/United Tenants
Phone: (213) 483 - 7497
About: Inquilinos Unidos is dedicated to empowering low-income tenants through community organizing, education and advocacy to fight for safe, decent and affordable housing in Los Angeles. They offer tenant clinics and referrals for housing issues if they are not able to assist.
Tenant Resource Clinics: Mondays 4-6pm
1709 W. 8th Street.
Los Angeles, CA 90017
Walk-in Hours
We also offer walk-in meetings at our office with our eviction prevention counselors on Wednesdays and Fridays from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm. All clinics are open to the general public.
Neighborhood Legal Services of Los Angeles County (NLSLA)
Phone: (800) 433 - 6251
Email: Sol Del Rio -
About: NLSLA works to preserve affordable housing and rent control, prevent unlawful evictions and foreclosures, and fight discrimination in Section 8 and other government-subsidized housing. Attorneys provide a range of services, from advice and counsel to individual representation and high-impact litigation.
Glendale Office: (800) 433 - 6251
1102 East Chevy Chase Drive
Glendale, CA 91205
Pacoima Office: (818) 485 - 0913
13327 Van Nuys Blvd.
Pacoima, CA 91331
El Monte Office: (800) 433 - 6251
3629 Santa Anita Ave.
El Monte, CA 91731
The Eviction Defense Network (EDN)
Phone: (213) 385 - 8112
About: A network of trial lawyers, advocates and tenants dedicated to defending the right to affordable housing and ensuring access to justice in housing matters to tenants in Los Angeles County. EDN is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that provides legal assistance and representation to tenants facing eviction.
Downtown Los Angeles office:
1930 Wilshire Blvd, Suite 208
Los Angeles, CA 90057
Walk-Ins: Free consultations taken on a first come, first-served basis: Monday – Thursday from 9am to 9pm & Friday 9am to 6pm
*Check online for other locations, hours and appointments.
Phone: Main Office - (213) 736 - 5050
Email: n/a
About: Basta provides low income households in Los Angeles County access to justice through non-profit eviction defense and housing rights. In addition to eviction defense and housing rights, Basta also provides low-cost, non-profit immigration attorneys to Los Angeles County individuals and families.
Downtown Los Angeles office: (213) 736-5050
1545 Wilshire Blvd, Suite 600
Los Angeles, CA 90017
Offices also located in Long Beach, Lancaster, Van Nuys. Check online for info. Walk-ins welcome from hours from 9:30am -7pm.
Coalition for Economic Survival (CES)
Phone: (213) 252 - 4411
About: CES is dedicated to organizing low to moderate income people to win social and economic justice. They assist tenants with living conditions, unjust evictions, and protecting against gentrification.
Los Angeles Office:
514 Shatto Place Suite 270
Los Angeles, California 90020
Tenants Rights Legal Clinics:
Wednesdays 7pm & Saturdays 10am
At Plummer Park Community Center
7377 Santa Monica Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90046
Legal Aid Foundation of Los Angeles
Phone: (800) 399 - 4529
Email: n/a
About: Assists tenants with various housing issues such as eviction defense, slum housing, veteran housing, subsidized housing. Services offered in multiple languages. Offices located in Long Beach, Santa Monica, and Los Angeles. Hours: Monday to Friday 9am to 12pm
Valley Bet Tzedek
Phone: (323) 939-0506
Email: n/a
About: Bet Tzedek attorneys and advocates help people of all communities and generations secure life’s necessities. They provide justice for seniors, justice for workers, and rapid response programs that provide stability and hope wherever our community is in crisis.
3250 Wilshire Blvd. 13th Floor
Los Angeles, CA 90010
Strategic Actions for a Just Economy (SAJE)
Phone: (213) 745-9961
About: A grassroots, non-profit group focusing on tenants rights, healthy housing, and equitable development. You can call the Tenant Action Clinic Helpline Tuesdays 4pm -7pm and Thursdays 10am - 1pm, to get assistance with questions on tenant rights, assisting in filing habitability, complaints, and providing support in resolving disputes with landlords. They also host Tenant Rights Q&A every Wednesday on Facebook Live.
How to Code Violations
Phone: (626) 744 - 7311 or (626) 744 - 4633
Email: n/a
About: The Pasadena City Citizen Service Center is where to go if you think there are safety or code violations in your rental. You can submit online.
***Note to tenants: keep all materials you send to the City and the City sends to you. Telling your landlord of health and safety issues, even in writing, is not enough in court. Keep ALL exchanges between you and your landlord also. You need to prove you contacted either LA County or Pasadena City. ​
Consumer Action Service @Jackie Robinson Community Center
Phone: (626) 744-7300
About: The Community Service division at the Jackie Robinson Center, 1020 N. Fair Oaks, open 8-6pm, provides help with evictions, Landlord Tenant issues, navigation of services, filing complaints with consumer affairs, applications of unemployment. Additionally, there is Spanish speaking immigration support.
Homeownership Resources
Neighborhood Housing Services of Los Angeles County - Homeownership Resources
Phone: (888) 895 - 2647
Email: submit on website
About: NHS provides programs in Homeownership Promotion and Preservation (Financial Education), Affordable Mortgage Lending, Construction Services and Management, Mission-Driven Real Estate Services, and Neighborhood Revitalization and Advocacy. NHS strengthens communities through the development and maintenance of quality affordable housing, creation and preservation of affordable homeownership opportunities, support of local leaders, providing financial education and increasing the financial independence of families and people in need.
Los Angeles County (213) 382 - 2862
3926 Wilshire Blvd. #200
Los Angeles, CA 90010
South LA (424) 296 - 3521
1051 W. Rosecrans Ave.
Compton, CA 90222
San Gabriel Valley Habitat for Humanity: Home Repair Program
Phone: (626) 709 - 3275
About: They provide low-income homeowners with critical interior and exterior home repair assistance. Click here for brochure in English, and here for brochure in Spanish.
The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
Phone: (213) 894 - 8000
Email: n/a
About: HUD certified organizations that provide first time home buyers down-payment assistance, foreclosure prevention counseling, financial literacy training and more.
Montebello Housing Development Corporation (MHDC)
Phone: (323) 722 - 3955
Email: submit on website
About: The Montebello Housing Development Corporation seeks to assist individuals and families who are of modest financial means to secure affordable housing. To assist in this goal they provide programs such as homebuyer education classes, second mortgage loans programs, homeownership seminars, and foreclosure assistance.
Heritage Housing Partners (HHP)
Phone: (626) 403 - 4663
Email: n/a
About: Provides affordable homeownership and first time homebuyers orientations.
608 N Fair Oaks Ave #126
Pasadena, Ca 91103
Pasadena Water and Power
Phone: (626) 744 - 4005 additional specific numbers online
Email: n/a
About: Pasadena Water and Power provides a number of rebates and incentives to homeowners for energy and water efficiency. Similar incentives are available to multi-family residential customers.
100 North Garfield Ave., Room N106
Pasadena, CA 91101
Under One Roof-Collaborative of LANHS, Water and Power, and Grid Alternatives:
Phone: (626) 744 - 6970
Email: n/a
About: Designed specifically for low- to moderate-income families, this new partnership provides money-saving programs and low or no interest loans that help Pasadena residents buy, keep, and revitalize their homes. GRID Alternatives provides low or no cost solar energy systems.
The Pasadena Village
Phone: (626) 765 - 6037
About: The Pasadena Village is an intentional community for seniors who want to remain independent. The Pasadena Village maintains a small office with a director and a diverse group of volunteers. Members of the community share activities and help each other with service requests. Village- approved volunteers and service providers are also available to help members. The Pasadena Village services the city of Pasadena and the adjacent communities. Members can be as young as 55. Services such as help moving furniture, referrals to vetted contractors, local transportation, appointment accompaniment, minor home repair/maintenance, brief house-sitting services, are available.
Rebuilding Together Pasadena
Phone: n/a
Email: n/a
About: Rebuilding Together is the nation’s largest volunteer organization preserving and revitalizing low-income houses and communities. Rebuilding Together provides critical repairs and renovations for low-income homeowners across the United States. For almost 25 years, Rebuilding Together has provided extensive home rehabilitation and modification services to homeowners in-need.
Food Resources - Community Meals
Pasadena Presbyterian Church
Phone: (626) 793-2191
Email: n/a
About: PPC provides hot meals to several dozen people each Thursday evening.
We provide “take-away sacks” for people who come on Sunday and during the week to the church office. You may donate money, or any of the following: granola bars, power bars, power drinks, small bottled water, apples, oranges, or canned food with easy-to-open pop-tops.
Members of PPC also serve a meal once a month at Union Station with PPC providing the food.
The Pantry at Friends InDeed - Food Resources Community Meals
Phone: (626) 797 - 2402 or (626) 797 - 6072
About: The Pantry at Friends In Deed serves supplemental food to 200 low-income and homeless households each week. The Pantry is open on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, from 10am to 3pm, and Thursdays from 10am to 1pm.
444 East Washington Blvd.
Pasadena, CA 91104
Food n Things - Food Resources Community Meals
Phone: (626) 796 - 1050
Email: online contact form
About: Food-n-Things welcomes anyone in need or homeless in the Pasadena community to come and receive food, donated clothing, counseling, emergency needs as well as spiritual needs.
Food for Faith -Pasadena Church of God*: 626-794-2951
404 E. Washington Blvd, Pasadena, CA 91104
Meals Monday, Wednesday, Friday at 6pm, Saturdays in Central Park at 4:00pm
Jackie Robinson Center: 626-744-7300.
1020 North Fair Oaks Ave., Pasadena, CA 91103
Meals Thursdays 5pm-7pm
Laundry and Showers Monday-Friday 9am-3pm
Villa Park Community Center: 626-744-6530
363 E Villa St., Pasadena, CA 91101
Meals Thursdays 5pm-7pm
All Saints Church: 626-796-1172
132 N. Euclid Ave., Pasadena CA, 91101
Meals Mondays 9am-11am
Grant Park
232 S. Michigan Ave., Pasadena, CA 91107
Meals Mondays 6:30pm
First Church of the Nazarene of Pasadena: 626-351-9631
3700 E. Sierra Madre Blvd., Pasadena, CA 91107
Meals Sunday 10am
Lake Avenue Church
393 N. Lake Ave, Pasadena, CA 91101
Meals Every Sunday (except the 1st and 5th)
First AME Pasadena also now offers food.
Recovery Resources
Walter Hoving Home
Phone: 626-405-0950
About: The Walter Hoving Home is a residential spiritually-based home. It is a non-profit organization serving women ages 18 and over who have been involved in drug addiction, alcoholism, prostitution and other life-controlling problems. The 6 or 12 month program is geared to rebuilding broken lives in an atmosphere of warmth, trust, support and love.
Impact - Recovery Resource
Phone: For Residential (626) 798 - 0884, For Outpatient (626) 564 - 4240
About: Impact is a Drug and Alcohol Treatment Center in Pasadena. Impact seeks to provide a continuum of care including a 130 bed residential campus, two outpatient clinics, two in-custody programs, and four transitional living residences.
Lift off Recovery
About: What to Do if you Suspect a Loved One has a Drinking Problem? Alcohol use disorders affect millions of people across the United States. According to a 2019 study, approximately 14.5 million individuals age 12 and over had an alcohol use disorder.2 Problematic drinking is fairly common among adolescents and adults. However, as a loved one you may be unsure of when a drinker in your life has a real problem with alcohol. Sometimes, individuals may be able to consume alcohol normally or even rarely when they first begin drinking alcohol.